Check the following lists to see exams that we currently own. We are looking for any NECTA exam that is not listed or is not colored in green on the sheet.
- Standard One Assessment
- Standard Two Assessment
- Standard Four Exams (SFNA)
- Standard Seven Exams (PSLE)
- Qualifying Test (QT)
- Form Two Exams (FTSEE/FTNA) Exam
- Form Four Exams (CSEE)
- Form Six Exams (ACSEE)
- Geography Maps (CSEE/ACSEE)
- Diploma in Education Exams (DSEE)
- Syllabi
We are always looking for more exams to expand our collection. Currently, we are paying 1,000TZS for each exam that we do not have already. Look at the charts below to see which exams we need. We have all of the exams that are shown in green.
You can send us clear photos of the exams using Facebook, Whatsapp, or by Email. We prefer if you scan them using the CamScanner app (Android, iPhone). Once we receive the exams from you, we will send you the money using mPesa.
If you have exams that you would like to share with us, please contact us.
Tunatafuta nakala za mitihani ili tuwasaidie watu wengi zaidi. Kwa sasa, tunalipa Tsh 1,000 kwa kila mtihani tusio nao. Angalia majedwali yaliyopo hapo juu kujua mitihani gani tunayo. Miaka yote yenye kijani tunayo tayari. Tunataka mitihani original ya taifa tu, masomo yote, miaka yote, kwanzia darasa la saba hadi kidato cha sita.
Unaweza kutuma picha zinazosomeka vizuri kupitia Facebook, Whatsapp, au Email. Tunapendelea PDF, ambazo unaweza kupiga kutumia app ya CamScanner (Android, iPhone). Kukishapokea mitihani kutoka kwako, tutakulipa kupitia mPesa.
Kama unayo mitihani, tafadahli wasiliana nasi.